Wow, my first AWARD!

WOW, that is the only word I can say reading one of comment in my shout box. From my net-friend in Balik Papan. Irien. She gave me an award! Wow! This is my first award after couples of months blogging! Ha..ha. Thx Irien. Of course I’ll do the instruction, no worries. :-)

ini lho awardnya:

To share this happiness, I would like to forward this award to my friends as follow:
1. Mazhar
2. Milan
4. Andy
5. Ossy
6. Mbak Ani
7. sehat dan hidup
8. Arbi
9. Gavinoz
10. Adeline

Guys, hope this can brighter your blogging spirit, and please follow the rules:
Forward this award to 10 of your friends, but you have to remove the participant number 1 from the list, so that all participant up 1 level. Then insert your own link at the bottom (number 10).

1. kupu.miss.oemang
2. shulayman
3. Imenoreh
4. Juragan Jengkol Menuntut Balas
5. Cilpilicious
6. Enno
7. Boodee
8. Woel
9. Irien
10. Alaika

Well, there is a significant of back link increasing if we all are playing fairly. So, why don’t we start now? Cheers.


  1. Alaika, makasih banyak ya awardnya. Di tengah kemalasanku ngeblog, ternyata masih ada juga yang kasih award he..he..he...Postingnya ntar2 gpp ya?
