2. Plan Your Project (Practical Vision):
Perhaps you and your associates have many ideas of things you want to do; you see a need to reduce illiteracy, to reduce poverty, to provide safe drinking water, to improve the level of health, to provide training for disabled persons, and many other things. You must, however, choose a project that is very specific, limit your goal to a single desired solution to the highest priority problem.
Involve the whole community. In choosing your project, call a meeting and do not neglect to include the people who have been often neglected in the past, women, disabled, the very poor, those who have no voice in the way things are decided in the community. Make sure that the people who are supposed to benefiting your project feel that this is their project, for their benefit, and that they may contribute to it because it is theirs.
It is not enough, however, to choose your goal. Good planning is needed, identifying your available or potential resources, generating several strategies and choosing the most viable one, deciding how you are going to monitor (watch) the project to ensure that it stays on track (ie it continues to be consistent with your original desires) , ensuring that the accounting is both transparent and accurate, and deciding what is to be done when (a schedule) . A bit of research about the location, the population characteristics, the situation, the existing facilities, is needed in order to objectively describe the background to the project. Involving the community and the beneficiaries in this research is the best way to ensure that it is valid.
With the community or target group, use Brainstorming Principles and Procedures to outline a Plan or Project Design. Without allowing criticism, ask group members to contribute to each step of a brainstorming group process: what is the priority problem (list all, even the foolish statements; then rank them in order of priority) , facilitate the group to understand, therefore, that the goal is the solution to that identified problem. Help them to generate objectives (finite, verifiable, specific) from that general goal. Identify resources and constraints, then generate several alternative solutions, choosing the most viable. Other documents are available to explain the brainstorming process in more detail but this was a brief sketch.
With your background work behind you, you will want to start drafting your proposal. We highly recommend that you obtain resources (funds) from several sources. Do not let your organization or group become dependent upon a single donor.
Before you begin to write your proposal, keep in mind the following points:
1. It is necessary to find out in advance what sources of funding are available, through governments, United Nations agencies, some international NGOs or private foundations.
2. Most donors look for the degree of local initiative in the project proposal, the utilization of the available resources within the country itself and the plans for the project to be self-supporting once the initial funding has been spent.
3. Your project should be practical, not too costly, and have the potential for being repeated in other situations.
4. Increasingly, funding agencies are looking for integrated approaches to development projects. This means that you will want to see to what extent your project supports and supplements existing activities, and is designed to overcome identified problems.
5. Almost all UN and government agencies, foundations and private voluntary agencies have their own proposal format, that they will want you to follow. If you are not in contact with a local or regional representative, write a letter requesting information as to proper procedures, application format and funding requirements. While format varies, the same information is asked for by all agencies and foundations.
6. Find out the budgeting cycle of the agency, whether annual, quarterly or ongoing. Check to see if there is a closing date for application.
To be continued to CHAPTER III
CHAPTER IGood afternoon mates, its a very hot day, seems that the sun release 75% of its energy to heat the earth ha? Or.... hey, is it also because of the effect of global warming? Aceh, with its empty of trees (not really empty, but the baby trees are still growing up)after tsunami, of course being so hot!! It is really a hot day.
Well mates, lets change our topic. Regarding to friends request, today I would like to share you a tip of how to write a proposal for Funding. What do you think? Is that also the topic you are searching for? But... to ignore your boring, I will split it into several chapters, Ok? Lets start mates!!
1. Introduction:
A proposal is a request for financial assistance to implement a project. For a community project, it may be used to seek approval from the community members (the community itself being the most important donor). You may use these guidelines to seek project funding from any donor. We recommend that you aim for multiple sources of funding. If you have only one source of funding, you may become dependent upon that one source.
A proposal is not just a "shopping list" of things you want. A proposal must justify each item in the list of things you want, so that a donor agency can decide if it wants to provide some or all of those things. You must know (and be able to communicate) exactly what you want to do with these things, and that is why you should design a project to carry out what you want to achieve.
It is important to carefully formulate and design your project. It is equally important to write a proposal which will attract the necessary funding. Proposal writing is a skill which requires some knowledge and practice.
Your project proposal should be an honest "sales" document. It's job is to inform and to convince. It is not a place to preach, boast or to deceive. If you are convinced it is a good idea and should be supported, your project proposal should honestly report it to decision makers who weigh its merits against other donation commitments. It should clearly indicate how and when the project will end, or become self supporting. Proposals should be neat and tidy, preferably typewritten, and without any extraneous or unnecessary information.
How elaborate your proposal is should depend upon the amount of resources being requested and how big the total project is. Modify these guidelines to fit the project and proposed donor.
The project proposal must reflect the background work you have already done and should be logically set out. It is not enough to write a letter stating your request. You have to demonstrate the need and prove that the project is worthy of funding. Remember that there will be many other organizations and individuals competing for the funds.
Use clear concise and simple language which says exactly what is meant. If necessary use diagrams or charts to illustrate key points. Use appendices to avoid crowding the body of the proposal and the flow of the narrative. Tailor your presentation to the agency approached. Express a willingness to be interviewed personally by the funding agency once they receive and read your proposal request.
And, especially . . .Do not be discouraged if your proposal is not accepted. Find out why, and try another agency.
Phil Bartle
Dear Mates! Hope that u are always in a perfect health yach...
Hey, we are at the end of the working days. Its Friday mates!! wow, thats why I feel so happy, hahaha...
Lots of us wonder and curious how to write a good motivation letter, or cover letter where we all aware that this letter play an important point when we applying a job.
The Cover Letter (CL) is the document that accompanies your CV when you are applying for a job. For academic purposes, the document used is typically called statement of purpose, and is laid out after somewhat different rules. The CL is short (200-250 words), with a quite rigid structure and has the layout of a letter. Its goal is to introduce the CV, to bring to attention aspects of your activity that can help your application and are not listed or not presented in the proper light in the CV. In short, its goal is to answer the recruiter's question: "Why should I hire this person?".
The layout is that of a formal business letter: your address and contact details come under your name, in the upper right corner of the page. Underneath, aligned left, write the name, function, organisation and address of the person you are writing to. It is a lot better to know the name of the person who is going to read your letter. You should address the letter directly to him or her. In the case you do not know the name, an email, a little digging in the net or a phone call should help you get that name, in case it is not mentioned in the official announcement. Under the receiver's address, but aligned right, write the date of the day when you are writing the letter. You should spell the name of the month and use four digits for the year. You can put in front of the date the location, like Banda Aceh, 24th July 2009.
If you do know the name of the addressee, start with Dear Mr (Mister), Ms (Miss), Mrs (Mistress), Dr (Doctor), without the full stop that you might expect to follow the abbreviation, and the surname of the addressee, followed by comma (Dear Dr Smith,). In this case, you should end the letter with the salutation Yours sincerely. If you do not know the name, start with Dear Sirs, or Dear Sir or Madam and close with Yours faithfully. In American business correspondence, Yours truly is acceptable in both cases. Do not start the body of the mail with a capital letter, since it follows a comma.
Ideally, a cover letter has no more than four paragraphs. The goal of the first is to specify what you are applying for and how did you find out about that opportunity. The last one outlines your availability for an interview, suggesting in this way a concrete follow-up for your application.
The second paragraph should list your skills and qualifications that make you the right person for the position you are applying for. Read carefully the announcement, identify the requirements and see how your skills match those required. Do not simply state you have them, prove it. Ideally, you should start from your experience and show how you have developed those qualifications by doing what you have been doing/learning. Same as in the case of your CV, the result should portrait you as an independent, creative person that can take initiative and deal with responsibilities, apart from the specific skills needed for the job. In short, the second paragraph should show why you are good for the job.
The third should point out why you want it. You should outline your interest for the skills you are going to learn if you get the job. The impression left should be that you can make a genuine contribution to the company's operations, while simultaneously deriving satisfaction from your work.
After the fourth paragraph leave a blank space, same as you should do in the beginning, after the salutation (Dear). Write the proper closing, as described above and your name. Do not forget to leave a blank space between the closing and your name and to sign the letter in that space.
It is customary for formal letters to mention whether you have enclosed any documents accompanying the letter. Simply mention enclosure, or write curriculum vitae under the heading enclosure at the end of the letter.
Print the letter on A4 white paper same as that on which your CV was printed, and put both documents in an A4 envelope of matching color. If you are emailing it request a notification that your documents have been received. Wait at least two weeks since the day you sent your application or after the deadline before writing again in the case you did not get any answer.
Halo sobats semua…. Hope u are always in excellent health yach…? Dah lama nih ga nongol menyapa sobats semua, maklum…. Rada sibuk sih (fuih…klise deh)…
Yo wes, ga usah ngobrol ngalor ngidul kali ye? Mending langsung aja ke persoalan yang akan kita bahas.. (cie…. Sok penting banget deh…), topic ini sih berawal dari sebuah email teman yang masuk ke gmailku pagi ini. Judulnya? Top banget….
”HATI HATI jangan TIDUR dgn LAMPU MENYALA….BAHAYA!!!Wuih…. Ini yang sedang aq cari-cari…alasan akurat untuk mendukung kebiasaanku yang emang paling ga suka tidur dalam cahaya lampu terang benderang. Sejak kecil tuh aq paling ga nyaman tidur dalam keadaan lampu menyala terang…, rasanya otakku merasa ‘hari belum malam’ deh kalo lampu masih nyala. Seolah jam sekolah dan bermain terutamanya, masih terentang panjang.. bener deh. Hal ini berlanjut hingga kini dan malah menular pada Intan, putri semata wayangku. Gak ingat sugesti darimana, tapi tetap aja ada perasaan ngeri di hati jika sampai tertidur dalam keadaan lampu menyala terang, serasa sinarannya itu sedang dengan aktif mencabik2 dan mengukir kerutan pada wajah, menusuk2 saraf mata yang seharusnya sedang istirahat… (hahaha….sugesti berlebihan deh…., tapi aq lupa banget darimana asal sugesti ini, tapi itulah yang sering muncul di hati jika sampai tertidur dalam keadaan lampu yang menyala terang).
Back to the topic Tidur dengan lampu yang menyala terang? IH BAHAYA LAGEEE!! jelas terinspirasi oleh email temanku tadi… ‘HATI HATI jangan TIDUR dgn LAMPU MENYALA….BAHAYA!!!’ cocok banget nih, karena dah lama aq mencari artikel pendukung sugestiqu itu…
Kemana nyari artikel pendukung itu? Ya jelas ke Oom Google donk...he..he
Nah sobats, yuk lanjut ke artikel selengkapnya di Tidur dengan lampu yang menyala terang? IH BAHAYA LAGEEE!!
Mates, I have something for you in the corner of
Sea of Life. Kisah ini adalah rangkaian kisah perjalanan hidup seorang wanita keras kepala dalam memperjuangkan kebebasan dirinya. (he..he, pasti sobats menduga ini my true story kan? well....)
Sobats, lama sudah aq ingin membukukan perjalanan hidup ini, namun mungkin baru sekarang ini nemu waktu dan kesempatan yang tepat. (cieee, kayak beneeerrr aja... sok sibuk ah..) tapi serius kok, cerita kali ini sungguh menarik untuk diikuti, ga percaya? ayo buktikan dulu donk... yuk lanjut ke
Good morning mates! Kangen banget nih sama sobats semua....udah berapa hari ya ngga ngeblog? Hm.... habis gmn? lagi banyak yang dihandle sih....
Pagi ini juga sebenarnya sedang repot banget, menuhin tugas-tugas yang udah antri rapi on my list of thing to do. Tapi ya itu tadi, kangen banget sama sobats semua,
so, walau ga punya posting khusus (belum sempat dibuat sih...), teteup aja ingin nyapa sobats semua. But I m quite sure that banyak dari sobats yang belum baca artikel tentang info how to perform a healthy sexual life kan? Banyak sekali info menarik yang dapat kita petik dari artikel-artikel tersebut.
Well sobats, pagi ini, berhubung antrian tugas yang sudah terus-terusan memanggil, let me leave you here to read the articles yach..., itu juga kalo sobats sedang tidak dikejar-kejar deadline lho. Tapi percaya deh, informasi kali ini benar-benar menarik, karena kita semua tahu dan setujukan bahwa bicara tentang SEX emang ga ada matinye?? he..he, well sobats.. just go to the interesting info yach.
Sobats, bahagia banget seeing the time showing 5.01 pm...., artinya? jam pulang kantor donk..., sambil closing all the open windows, iseng-iseng re-check my gmail... eh ada email forwarded dari teman sebelah meja...., tunggu apa lagi, langsung dibaca donk....dan bagiku sih sangat berarti...untuk diingat dan dibawa pulang...implemented in our life...isnya apaan sih? well, just follow the read more...
Judulnya adalah:
Sholat Subuh di Masjid
Seorang pria bangun pagi2 buta utk sholat subuh di Masjid. Dia berpakaian, berwudhu dan berjalan menuju masjid, namun ditengah jalan menuju masjid pria itu terjatuh dan kotorlah pakaiannya. Diapun bangkit, membersihkan bajunya, dan pulang kembali kerumah. Di rumah, dia berganti baju, berwudhu, dan, LAGI, berjalan menuju masjid.
Namun, di perjalanan kembali menuju masjid , dia jatuh lagi di tempat yg sama! Dia, sekali lagi, bangkit, membersihkan dirinya dan kembali kerumah. Dirumah, dia, sekali lagi, berganti baju, berwudhu dan berjalan menuju masj id .
Di tengah jalan menuju masjid , dia bertemu seorang pria yg memegang lampu. Dia menanyakan identitas pria tsb, dan pria itu menjawab "Saya melihat anda jatuh 2 kali di perjalanan menuju masjid , jadi saya bawakan lampu untuk menerangi jalan anda.' Pria pertama mengucapkan terima kasih dan mereka berdua berjalan ke masjid .
Saat sampai di masjid , pria pertama bertanya kepada pria yang membawa lampu untuk masuk dan sholat subuh bersamanya. Pria kedua menolak. Pria pertama mengajak lagi hingga berkali2 dan, lagi, jawabannya sama. Pria pertama bertanya, kenapa menolak untuk masuk dan sholat. Pria kedua menjawab Aku adalah Setan (devil/ evil)
Pria itu terkejut dgn jawaban pria kedua. Setan kemudian menjelaskan, 'Saya melihat kamu berjalan ke masjid , dan sayalah yg membuat kamu terjatuh. Ketika kamu pulang ke rumah, membersihkan badan dan kembali ke masjid , Allah memaafkan semua dosa2mu. Saya membuatmu jatuh kedua kalinya, dan bahkan itupun t idak membuatmu merubah pikiran untuk tinggal dirumah saja, kamu tetap memutuskan kembali masjid .
Karena hal itu, Allah memaafkan dosa2 seluruh anggota keluargamu. Saya KHAWATIR jika saya membuat mu jatuh utk ketiga kalinya, jangan2 Allah akan memaafkan dosa2 seluruh penduduk desamu, jadi saya harus memastikan bahwa anda sampai dimasjid dgn selamat..'
Jadi, jangan pernah biarkan Setan mendapatkan keuntungan dari setiap aksinya. Jangan melepaskan sebuah niat baik yg hendak kamu lakukan karena kamu t id ak pernah tau ganjaran yg akan kamu dapatkan dari segala kesulitan yg kamu temui dalam usahamu utk melaksanakan niat baik tersebut . If forwarding this message will bother you, or take too much time from you, then don't do it, but you will not get the reward of it, which is great.
Dear sobats semua,
breaking a while from searching info regarding to the process of decentralization in Aceh, aq log in sejenak ke facebook (lagi semangat banget nih log in FB, soalnya jumat kemarin re-nemu teman2 lama di Teknik Kimia dulu/teman sekampus yg udah lama ilang bok)...., nah, nemu info sangat penting sob... yang sudah seharusnya diketahui oleh siapapun, apalagi para pecandu udang... HARUS BACA DEH POKOKNYA..., well, langsung aja deh klik read more..
Peristiwa ini terjadi di beberapa waktu lalu di Menado. Seorang wanita meninggal dunia secara mendadak dengan kelima panca inderanya mengeluarkan darah. Hasil penyelidikan jelas-jelas menunjukkan almarhumah bukanlah bunuh diri apalagi dibunuh, melainkan karena ketidaktahuan tentang racun akibat makanan.
Semasa hidupnya, wanita ini terbiasa mengkonsumsi Vit C setiap hari. Dan tentu saja ini adalah kebiasaan yang baik dan tidak menjadi masalah. Yang menjadi masalah adalah wanita ini mengkonsumsi udang dalam jumlah yang banyak pada malam kejadian itu. Dan lagi.....makan udang saja sebenarnya juga tidak menjadi masalah, karena orang lainnya di rumah itu juga melakukan hal yang sama (makan udang, tapi tidak vitamin V)dan tak ada yang meninggal..
Namun, karena udang mengandung Arsenic Pentoxide (As2O5), dan berhubung habis makan udang wanita itu minum Vit C, terjadilah reaksi kimia di dalam perut yang membuat As2O5 berubah menjadi Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3) yang sangat beracun.
Ini mengakibatkan hati, jantung, ginjal, pembuluh darah rusak, usus keluar darah, pembuluh darah melebar hingga wanita itu meninggal mengenaskan dengan kelima panca indera yang mengeluarkan darah.
Jadi sobats, waspadalah, Jangan mengkonsumsi vitamin C dalam waktu bersamaan setelah mengkonsumi udang dalam jumlah yang banyak.
Catatan ini dikutip dari Ibu Imagaribaldi. (jgn tanya detail info beliau karena aq sendiri juga ga tau persis sob. :-))
Tingkat toxic dari Arsenic Pentoxide (As2O5) mirip dengan Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3)
Arsenic Pentoxide digunakan dalam bentuk solid atau cairan untuk membuat arsenat, pembasmi rumput2an, perekat metal, insektisida, fungisida, pengawet kayu, percetakan dan pewarna celup.
Hingga sekarang ini yang sangat menguatirkan dan salah satu alasan kenapa Uni Eropa menolak import udang & ikan laut beku Indonesia adalah adanya beberapa eksportir / produsen yang menggunakan bahan kimia berbahaya untuk mengawetkan udang / ikan yang di exsport tersebut.
Terus terang, kalo liat udang khususnya dari Indonesia Timur memang bikin ngiler... apalagi yang sudah dalam bentuk beku (frozen) untuk langsung dimasak... maka itu, dianjurkan untuk merebus terlebih dahulu udang darimanapun dengan air bercampur arang kayu, yang katanya dapat menurunkan kadar zat beracun...
walahualam. Anyway, semoga catatan ini bermanfaat adanya.
notes nya salah satu teman di facebook...
Sobats, banyak kebetulan yang kemudian memberi arti penting bagi keseharian dan kehidupan kita. Seperti kali ini, berselancar di dunia maya, mencari artikel tentang cerebral palsy, eh nemu related artikel tentang pentingnya melindungi bayi dan batita dari goncangan. Penasaran kan, guncangan apa yang dimaksud? Oke, lets go on to
Healthy Life
Sobats, permintaan seorang kolega untuk membaca bahan presentasi yang akan dia bawakan dalam sebuah workshop gaweannya ILO di Jakarta Minggu depan telah memberi info baru bagiku. Gmn ngga? CEREBRAL PALSY, dua kata yang begitu sering diucapkan di kalangan teman-teman kantorku (yang bergerak di bidang pemberdayaan para penyandang cacat), yang aq (sebagai pendatang baru di bidang ini) masih sangat minim pengetahuan tentangnya, kini juga muncul beberapa kali (tanpa penjelasan terinci, mungkin karena dianggap banyak yang sudah tau persis tentang dua kata ini)dalam slide presentasi. Semakin membuatku penasaran akan arti yang dikandung oleh dua kata itu.
Hm.... malu donk kalo harus nanya ke temanku secara langsung, belum lagi kalo dia sedang sibuk, dan ga sempat ngejelasinnya. Mending aq tanya Oom Google deh, percumakan kalo search enginenya ga digunain?
Dan sobats,....
bantuan Oom Google is highly appreciated. Just go to the Healthy Life to find more info about CEREBRAL PALSY.
Met malam sobats semua, hope that you are in a good health yach..., malam ini mo bahas apa ya? sebenarnya sih ingin nuntaskan novel selingan semusim yang belum juga nemu ide untuk endingnya...tapi tiba-tiba jadi ingat dengan obrolan tadi sore dengan beberapa teman tentang sinusitis. Tau donk pastinya, apaan itu?
Bener sekalee... SINUSITIS adalah suatu gangguan dimana terjadinya pembengkakan atau infeksi di daerah sinus, yaitu rongga udara yang terletak di antara tulang hidung, pipi dan tulang alis mata. Rongga tersebut berfungsi menghasilkan mukus, yaitu lendir yang kita kenal dengan kata "ingus". Saat pilek karena sakit ataupun alergi, kita biasanya refleks mengeluarkan ingus untuk mengosongkan rongga tersebut. Sinusitis terjadi jika ada benda atau apapun yang menghalangi keluarnya ingus dari dalam rongga sinus. Bisa akibat perubahan tekanan ataupun temperatur (untuk penderita alergi dingin), karena pemakaian obat semprot hidung terlalu keras atau akibat asap rokok, debu (untuk alergi debu) atau bisa juga karena bakteri maupun virus. Nah jika lendir atau ingus tadi terhalangi jalannya, maka lendir tersebut lama kelamaan bisa bertumpuk dan jadi tempat yang nyaman bagi bakteri untuk hidup, akibatnya di rongga sinus bisa terjadi infeksi bakteri. Infeksi atau peradangan sinus umumnya terjadi sebagai kelanjutan infeksi hidung.
Nah sobat, untuk uraian lengkapnya, yuk kita ikuti ceritanya di Healthy Life
Hm..., sobats, met sore kabar nih di sore Sabtu indah ini? He..he, terlepas dari cerah-redupnya cuaca, Sabtu dan Minggu biasanya selalu saja mampu memberikan sensasi keceriaraan di hatiku (dan mungkin juga bagi sobats semua?). Ya iyalah, wong Sabtu Minggu itu identik dengan week end kan?
Sebenarnya udah sejak pagi tadi ingin nongkrong dan memainkan jemari diatas keypad keyboard, menuangkan inspirasi yang (seperti biasa) muncul dadakan dan ingin langsung dituangkan. Tapi urgency lain tak bisa diajak kompromi. Mobil tuaku yang setia sakit lagi... harus segera diantarkan ke dokter specialisnya.. Padahal tuh mobil udah bongkar mesin dengan biaya yang cukup menguras kantong 3 minggu kemarin. Dan harusnya doi sih udah sip dan ga perlu lagi mengeluarkan keluhan2 yang bikin hati ngenes. Eh ini malah, bikin hati dan pikiranku sebel. Gimana nggak? Masak setelah bongkar mesin, masih ada tetesan2 minyak (seperti oli) ikut menetes di bagian bawah mesin... siapa yang ga panik coba (panik nya sih ngebayangin jika ini harus mengeluarkan uang yang tidak sedikit). Tapi untunglah setelah dibawa ke bengkel dan ditangani lagi oleh si ahli langgananku, hopefully the problem quite safe lah. Mudah2an ga ada masalah lagi.
Ups.... kok malah jadi ngelantur ngomongin mobil ya? padahal tadi tujuannya kan mau nulis tentang MIMISAN! He..he, sorry sobats, ya deh, back to the topic. MIMISAN. Ya, penyakit klasik yang sangat akrab dengan kita or orang-orang di sekeliling kita, yang selalu mengingatkan kita (orang-orang tua) pada daun sirih, sebagai salah satu obat penanggulangannya. Well sobats, yuk ikuti topik ini di Healthy Life, just go to the menu on the top and klik HEALTHY LIFE. Cu there ya sobats, have a nice saturday nite and a great week end!
Hm..., met malam menjelang dini hari nih sobats semua...., pasti banyak yang udah terbuai di alam mimpi nih? Or terlindung nyaman dibawah selimut (pake selimut sepanas iniiii? Iya donk bagi yang pake AC), or? tertidur nyaman di dalam pelukan suami tersayang, or terbuai dalam damai sambil memeluk istri tercinta? Ih... kok jadi panjang gini sih nuturnya? kayak dalang aja, padahal ini kan udah tengah malam? wah udah pagi malah, tuh digital clock nya showed 12.03 AM
Ya udah deh, langsung aja, postingan ini khusus untuk sobatku Meicy yang aku janjiin akan memberikan laporan (laporan? kayak militer aja deh) padanya jika aq jadi PAP-SMEAR. But, of course, this post is also dedicated for whom interest in the Women Health Issues.
Nah sobats (especially you Meicy), silahkan langsung aja ke Healthy Life ya... Itu lho, adanya di menu atas tuh, Healthy Life Cu there. Moga bermanfaat infonya yach. Udah ngantuk nih. Have a good nite and a very nice dream. Kalo mimpinya agak buruk, langsung aja bangun, cuci muka, wudhu, shalat tahajjud, ok? he..he